My New “Toolbox”!
To all events, I bring my client file, tape, scissors, stapler, duct tape, sharpie markers, and other wedding-related items. But I have been on the look-out for the perfect carrier for all of these randomly shaped & sized items that makes it easy to find each one in a pinch. And I think that I’ve FOUND IT! My dear, dear friend Sara Caputo of Radiant Organizing has started a new business – she already has a wildly successful personal organizing and productivity consulting company – as a ThirtyOne consultant. ThirtyOne offers “stylish, affordable products (including)… signature purses and totes to storage solutions that help organize your life, you’ll find something to fit every personality and situation”. That being said, I had to try their Organizing Utility Tote (see photo below).
I cannot WAIT to see how it works out for my wedding at San Ysidro Ranch next Thursday! It’s mostly a wedding set-up client which includes a lot of logistics (tape, rope, etc.)… PLUS the bag is SUPER-cute! Stay tuned to see how well it works…
BRIDES – this is a great product line to give gifts to bridesmaids! I got a tote when I was a bridesmaid and LOVED it for the bachelorette party, etc. Enjoy shopping!